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Code Converter

Code Converter Features

There are many templates that do not accept some Google Adsense ad codes as well as some Blogger codes. You will then search for a code converter through which you can convert HTML codes into responsive code that is consistent with the template used.

How to use the code converter

The code converter tool is easy and simple to use. It converts the Adsense code or Blogger code from Html to Xml so that you can add the converted code to the template normally and without problems. Through this code converter you can convert AdSense codes as well as Blogger codes by following these steps:

  1. Copy the codes you want to convert, whether Blogger or AdSense codes.
  2. Go to the Code Converter tool below.
  3. Then copy the code you want to convert in the box below.
  4. To convert the codes, click on the Convert Code icon.
  5. With one click of a button you will get the converted code.
  6. Copy the converted code and add it to the blog.

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